----- Original Message -----
From: George Matyjewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 9:10 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: eCurrency Trade Association Inc.
> At 06:42 PM 6/17/2001, Bob wrote:
> >George Matyjewicz wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Unfortunately, an association like eCTA doesn't carry much weight
> > > unless it is licensed, like the Bar Association,
> >
> >We in the US do not have a choice but to deal with licensed lawyers.
> >What? There's a bunch of unlicensed lawyers sitting around out there
> >waiting for business to come their way? We don't have any choice in
> >the matter because of the government. That's why the ABA has weight.
> >It's legally taken choice away from us here in the US.
> Yes. They are called Paralegals and are legal in many
> states. And they are called accountants or tax preparers, rather
> than CPAs. The difference is if you want to deal with the court
> you need a lawyer, or with investors you need a CPA.
As far as I know, there is no such thing as a "licensed" lawyer or a
"licensed" CPA, both are certified by private corporations.
If anyone knows a lawyer that has a state issued license to practice law, I
would very much like to see a copy of it.
> >Licenses are just an anti-competition thing. They certainly don't
> >mean you're good at what you do as lawyers, doctors and pipefitters
> >have demonstrated over and over again.
> How else does one evaluate a professional?
They may be useful in evaluating a "professional" assuming you trust the
certifying body and are unable to evaluate for yourself. However, I think
the problem comes when one is "required" to use one of those "certified"
professionals even if they don't want to use them.
> >Why should anybody pay a government for permission to work? That
> >doesn't make any sense, George. It's rediculous concept.
> Who is suggesting paying for permission to work? Licensing can
> be an education issue. CPAs are licensed by the state board of
> education, not the government.
I'm not at all sure that CPAs are certified (not licensed) by the state
board of education but, if there are states like that, when did the "state"
board of education cease to be a part of government?
I have no objections to a certifying organization for money changers as long
as it is all voluntary.
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