> To purchase e-gold all I had to do was enter my debit card
> number on the site.

This is the problem with debit and credit cards, and why few, (if any),
exchange services will take them. On the internet, everyone can be
essentially anonymous, and there are numerous thieves with access to debit
and credit card numbers. With just a number to accept payment, a large
number of forged charges occur when this type of payment is accepted, which
fall back on the merchant. E-gold, and other digital currencies, provide a
quick way for a thief to transfer payment anywhere in the world. Should a
thief be able to buy a digital currency with a forged charge, then he could
have the money in his local back, anywhere in the world, within a day or
two. This makes it essential that those who take payment for these types of
currencies, be absolutely certain that the payment is good. The Post Office
is more protected in this regard, because they can check ID and photograph
the buyer. A physical transaction greatly reduces the numbers of those who
would forge a charge. Likewise, a thief doesn't want to purchase physical
merchandise with a forged charge, because there will be a physical trace
with him. Those who sell physical merchandise have low fraud rates. However,
a thief buying a non-physical good can do so from anywhere in the world,
even in jurisdictions which do not process this sort of crime. Hence there
would be a large fraud rate in the sale of digital currencies, if exchange
services did not take hard payment. Would you buy an expensive gold watch
from a dealer in Malasia, on the condition that the watch would be shipped
after you sent $1000 in payment? It's the same problem.

An exchange service can convert a hard payment to a softer payment, and
hence can fund your debit card or PayPal account with your hard payment.
However, an exchange service cannot perform the transaction in reverse
without being targetted by internet thieves.


Craig (SnowDog)

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