At 9:53 PM -0400 7/8/03, Craig Spencer wrote:
>I would like to nominate: 
>Danny Van den Berghe
>as hero of the e-gold list. 

He might also qualify as a "hero of DBourse." Fans like me
have a hard time finding anything wrong with anything TGC
ever does. They came along at the right time and made a
fun way to use e-gold, while forcing people to think in terms
of grams!! We all knew back then that for-sure someday JP,
Snowdog, and I would remotely play against eachother, and
now, thanks to TGC & e-gold being there, we HAVE!  

Danny's standard seems to be perfection, or close-to-it, 
which is very-good for the e-gold list but (fortunately for the
shareholders!) DBourse/TGC is not exactly competing with 
perfection in the stock-market game these days -- and won't
be until my financial-crimes-vocabulary quits-growing for a
year or more! Reputation-capital is the easiest kind to spend,
but it's also the hardest thing to ever-earn-back once it's 
gone/damaged...The fun thing about DBourse for this old
cypherpunk is that they've so-far managed to neatly sever
personal identity from reputation, and that has interesting
implications for money & markets in the future IMO.

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