> Agreed. I'm sure more information will come in time, but I'm also
> sure that 100% of the people (possibly including you!) will never
> be satisfied.

I would rather say that 95% of the retail investors is too easily satisfied.
The only information they want to see is whether the stock is going up or
That's why you get these stock crazes where stocks go up because they are
going up, self-fulfilling prophecy, just fueled by the greed of the small
investors and by the comments on CNBC... until everything collapses.

Only 5% investors (like me) really look at the numbers that are published.

> Others (including me!) will say that knowing who
> Kenny Boy Lay is didn't help Enron shareholders very much...

Well, it certainly didn't hurt.
It is more an indirect advantage, knowing the names of the management also
their personal reputation is at stake, and they can be held liable when
really gross fraud /theft would be taking place.

Really, the company releasing verified information to its shareholders is
not a question of regulation, it is a question of realising more shareholder
A transparent company is perceived as more safe by the investing public, so
they are willing to pay more for such shares.
That benefits both the private owners and the public shareholders (who
doesn't want to see his shares rise in value?).
The company management is simply serving its own interest by giving as much
reliable information to the stockholders as possible.
When a management chooses not to do so the question arises why? Because they
want their shares to sell at lower prices???

Several independant observers warned that something was badly wrong at Enron
more than a year before it collapsed.
Simply because they analysed the books and saw that very strange tricks were
being used to keep the books in balance (and show profits..).
But nobody listened, because the stocks were rising and all the rest didn't
interest them.


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