Danny, get a grip.

I didn't bother replying to Craig's pandering on list because I didn't want to embarrass you further.

I'm sorry if your father is a moron or has other character flaws, or you had other childhood problems.

You are simply a rumour mongerer. Not much more or less.

In every email you hint that TGC (or indeed me, or others) is a scam.

You won't come out and STATE that that is your opinion, but you repeat endlessly that it could be the case, you've heard it is the case, it could well be the case.

(Even after reading this email, you still won't simply state that that is your belief.)

Now come the ad homemein attacks (in a round-about manner, of course).

Your "point" devolved from wanting regulation, to self-regulation, to your type of self regulation, to RJR being a better investment than TGC.

Your grasp of history and facts is Fantastical, from your expositions of how capital streams are valued to your expositions of share market history.

The notion that "TGC shares are crap because there is not enough information" is an ordinary idea expressed loudly by many.

But you can only express, or indeed see, your opinion as a categorical, arrived Truth (you are probably not even aware that in every email your "argument" results in you using one of the two phrases -- it is "common sense" or "obvious") and you wrap every other paragraph in rumour mongering.

e-gold and GoldMoney's governance are often violently criticized, but no-one adds rumour mongering to their criticism.


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