Hi André,

On Mar 10, 2016, at 12:29 PM, André Gemünd <andre.gemu...@scai.fraunhofer.de> 
> Regarding installation: is it possible to put a default configuration file in 
> the installation tree of EasyBuild? We are several users that deploy 
> software, and the systems used to build vary as well. I'd prefer not to 
> configure these nodes differently for that or have different settings based 
> on user accounts. I'm now setting INSTALLPATH_SOFTWARE, INSTALLPATH_MODULES, 
> SOURCEPATH, etc. in a profile.d script, which I then need to deploy 
> everywhere. I think this is needlessly complicated, if all I would need is 
> for easybuild to parse a config file in its install path?


If you go down the path of having a customised EasyBuild modulefile, you will 
eventually get in trouble 
by users who install newer EB versions (OK, they _should_ know better that it 
is it’s not too “easy" ;)

If you would hardwire variables under /etc/profile.d some things will work, 
yet shell inheritance would prevent free user customisation of these values :-( 

There is a better way!

Relying upon Lmod, of Robert McLay’s fame ;)

So, an alternative approach might be to rely on default sticky Lmod modules, 
via LMOD_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_MODULES, fi. roughly as described in:

The advantage of that technique is that it turns everything representable via 
uniformly available across all users (who may still opt-out of it) at first 
shell invocation.
As a bonus, you’d now have a great mechanism to define $SCRATCH, $ARCHIVE etc.

And if you follow that thread carefully, you will also notice that the 
Lmod-based mechanism
even allows for restorable alias definitions (one more bonus - slash that 
.bashrc pollution!).


echo "sysadmin know better bash than english" | sed s/min/mins/ \
  | sed 's/better bash/bash better/' # signal detected in a CERN forum

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