Dear Alan, 

thanks for the feedback!

> We use a module file to control the settings you mention, it simply sets the
> equivalent EASYBUILD_* for the settings you require. Create the module and put
> it somewhere in accessible to the MODULEPATH (you may want a separate 
> protected
> directory for people who use this module).

Ah, yes, an obvious solution that I somehow didn't think about, because there 
already is an EasyBuild module created by the bootstrap script and I didn't 
want to modify that in case it would be modified in upgrades. But its a good 
idea, maybe a protected admin module.

> There's a later intel-2016b.eb already available which has a 2016 update and 
> an
> intel-2016.02 in the devel branch that has the very latest intel compilers. 

True, but we need to offer multiple versions at the same time, currently 
starting at XE 2012. Of the seperate point releases (2013, 2015, etc.), we'd 
like to offer the latest minor version, e.g. 2015 upd 6. 

> issue is that you will not find so many easyconfigs for these toolchains yet
> since they are relatively new. The ones you do find are the latest and 
> greatest
> however and you can add software from intel-2015b using
> --try-toolchain=intel,2016b (just beware of the notes in that link!).

Regarding applications its okay if we build them with the latest and greatest 
Intel toolchain. Thanks for the hint with try-toolchain, this seems very 

André Gemünd
Fraunhofer-Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing
Tel: +49 2241 14-2193
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