Well-put!  It would be great if people (particularly reviewers) always kept
this in mind.


On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 7:57 AM, James J. Roper <jjro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been meaning to comment here too.
> When I teach statistics, my goal is to give the graduate students a
> "toolbox" if you will, of useful ways to test ideas.  More complex
> statistics comes later.  In teaching, I use the idea of testing hypotheses,
> with a very important caveat.  Both, null and alternative hypotheses have
> to
> be biologically sensible and biologically possible.  I know I find many
> published papers that gloss over the null, but it turns out, on deeper
> inspection, that it was not a possibility and so refuting it was
> unavoidable.
> Apply that idea, that the null also must be reasonable, logical and
> possible, and you may find that many null hypotheses are none of those.
> Jim
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 13:13, Kevin Mueller <kem...@psu.edu> wrote:
> > If we iteratively modify our hypotheses through the process of data
> > collection, data analysis, or manuscript preparation, how different is
> this
> > process from "observational" or "exploratory" research?  It is, of
> course,
> > different to some debatable extent. Regardless, I think Paul's comments
> shed
> > light on the reality that there is a large gray area between the extremes
> of
> > purely observational studies and purely hypothesis driven studies (which
> his
> > 2005 paper apparently documents).  Given this, I find the explicit or
> > underlying claims of superiority made by proponents of hypothesis driven
> > research to ring false (despite some of the strong benefits of hypothesis
> > testing that Paul and others have made clear).  I find such claims ironic
> > since the result of many observational or exploratory studies is, gasp, a
> > hypothesis.
> >
> > Finally, regardless of the language we use to reference hypotheses in our
> > introductions, I ask:  Is it always beneficial to cloak studies that are
> > somewhat exploratory behind a veil of singlular hypothesis testing?  Or
> > might we also sometimes gain and share insights by making the process of
> > data exploration and hypothesis testing/modification more apparent in our
> > manuscripts?
> >
> > To be clear, my comments are more in response to a general
> > narrow-mindedness that I've observed among some natural scientists, not
> to
> > any particular post or 'poster' in this recent thread (i.e. I found
> Paul's
> > post insightful and not especially narrow-minded).
> >
> > Kevin Mueller
> >
> > On Mar 9, 2011, at 11:00 PM, Paul Grogan wrote:
> >
> > "Furthermore, often during the data interpretation or write-up
> > stage, additional reflection on the processes of experimentation and
> > evaluation of the data may indicate to the scientist (or to a manuscript
> > reviewer) that the test did not reflect the hypothesis as well as
> > originally
> > thought. In such cases, further refinement or editing of the hypothesis
> > statement should be made so that the final research output – the
> > peer-reviewed publication disseminating the new knowledge – is as
> accurate
> > and accessible to others as possible.  As a result, I usually finish my
> > manuscript Introduction sections with: “We used our data to test the
> > following hypotheses....” (rather than “We tested the following
> > hypotheses... which gives the impression of great foresight on the part
> of
> > the author)."

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