Think about it from the perspective of your friendly neighborhood 
corporate HR department.   Nobody will ever get fired for hiring the 
person with the Harvard degree, even if they end up being totally 
useless.  (Who could have foreseen?  They had a Harvard degree!)

Hire someone useless from a random online university?  There's hell to pay for 

Also, shouldn't the real question here not be who employers prefer, but who 
provides better (or at least equivalent) education?

> Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 10:32:42 -0600
> From:
> Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Expanding online ed? Considering online schools? Read 
> this first!
> Key figure:  Employers prefer all kinds of colleges EXCEPT online!!!!
> (its not all that close either, for profit is ranked way better than
> online programs!)
> M
> -- 
> Malcolm L. McCallum
> Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
> School of Biological Sciences
> University of Missouri at Kansas City
> Managing Editor,
> Herpetological Conservation and Biology
> "Peer pressure is designed to contain anyone with a sense of drive" -
> Allan Nation
> 1880's: "There's lots of good fish in the sea"  W.S. Gilbert
> 1990's:  Many fish stocks depleted due to overfishing, habitat loss,
>             and pollution.
> 2000:  Marine reserves, ecosystem restoration, and pollution reduction
>           MAY help restore populations.
> 2022: Soylent Green is People!
> The Seven Blunders of the World (Mohandas Gandhi)
> Wealth w/o work
> Pleasure w/o conscience
> Knowledge w/o character
> Commerce w/o morality
> Science w/o humanity
> Worship w/o sacrifice
> Politics w/o principle
> Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any
> attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may
> contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized
> review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited.  If you are not
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