Hello Listers,

This CONTRL message thing !! Well why are there so
many different types..( well actually only 2.)

Type 1             Type 2
UNH              ! UNH
UCI              ! UCI
  UCM            !   UCM
  UCX            !     UCS
    UCR          !     UCD
    UCD          !
                 !   UCF
  UCF            !     UCM
  UCY            !       UCS
    UCM          !       UCD
    UCX          !   UNT
      UCR        !
      UCD        !
TXT              !
UNT              !

Is one older than the other? Which version should we
be using. Should we cater for both on a partner to
partner basis? I cannot seem to find documentation for
Type 1 above on the internet.

I understand that these CONTRL messages are generated
by the receiving translator but I need to generate
them. (argg pain...) How and where are the rules to
create CONTRL messages? Is there a subset(convention)
I can use to say Reject/accept the whole thing..
(interchange) or Group or just messages... and ignore
the segment level and element level stuff?

Please help any pointers would be most appreciated!!

(Mutter mutter ..) Always hated these CONTRL messages.
never thought they were any use at all. (Grumble ....)
should just use application level acknowledgements...

Thanks in advance for any help you listers can provide..

Tze Weng Foong

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