Tzeweng Foong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

This CONTRL message thing !! Well why are there so
many different types..( well actually only 2.)

Type 1             Type 2
UNH              ! UNH
UCI              ! UCI
  UCM            !   UCM
  UCX            !     UCS
    UCR          !     UCD
    UCD          !
                 !   UCF
  UCF            !     UCM
  UCY            !       UCS
    UCM          !       UCD
    UCX          !   UNT
      UCR        !
      UCD        !
TXT              !
UNT              !

     Searching through my archives of EDIFACT standards, from 901 onwards,
I find references, but not specification, for CONTRL in the 911, 912, 922
and 932 directories. Unfortunately, they all refer to a section which is
not included in the documentation.

     In my D93A archive, I have a specification for CONTRL V2. This I think
is the original draft, dated 27th August 1993, which was not issued as part
of the directory. I am not sure where I got it from. The layout matches
Type 2 above. I don't think the message definition for CONTRL ever gets
issued in the directory. Since it is a service message, it may be issued
within the EDIFACT syntax specifications. As far as I know, this is the
latest version.

     I then took a look at my original printed documentation set for the
ODETTE (European automotive) messages. There I found a CONTRL V1 which
matches the Type 1 above. The document is a copy of a June 1989 UNSM for
Formal Trial, issued by TRADE/WP.4/R.589. I have never found any other
copies of this specification. I presume this is superseded by the V2 above.

Hopes this helps

Chris Hill
Technical Support Manager
AP Hydraulics Ltd

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