Quoted text is from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, by

>     I then took a look at my original printed documentation set for the
>ODETTE (European automotive) messages. There I found a CONTRL V1 which
>matches the Type 1 above. The document is a copy of a June 1989 UNSM for
>Formal Trial, issued by TRADE/WP.4/R.589. I have never found any other
>copies of this specification. I presume this is superseded by the V2 above.

Many thanks. I followed your lead to the Odette documentation CD and
found CONTRL V1. I have privately classified it under 'memorabilia' :-)


Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
EDIMatrix Ltd  +44 (0)20 8559 2454 (work)
               +44 (0)20 8559 2497 (fax)

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