True, as far as outbound goes... we do have checks for characters that would make our translator fail... and it WOULD fail on X12... and on EDIFACT our translator would insert the appropriate Release Character, if needed.  Even with EDIFACT, you have restrictions outlined by the character set you are using (such as UNOA), so we have the ability to check for that.  However, it's the inbound data that we have no control over... thus my input regarding Dale Marthaller's questions.  Apparently, not all companies check their data for those characters before constructing their EDI messages... and also, apparently their translators let the characters through.  Or perhaps it was the fault of the way they chose to implement a particular translator... and not strictly the translator itself. 
Linda Denison
Senior Programmer Analyst
FedEx Corporate Services
EC Integration Development
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: Element Separators


Whether you use X12 or UN/EDIFACT you need to run some kind of program that will ensure that any characters that are used as separators are removed (X12) or escaped (EDIFACT),  Or of course you can use a non-printable character as a separator or not allow users to input separator characters in your internal database.

But any good translator should have failed on the outbound for that document.


>From: Linda Denison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Linda Denison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Element Separators
>Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 16:21:33 -0600
>You must be using X12... so you're only real choices are to either have your
>trading partner change their delimiter, or remove the offending characters from
>the data.
>If you were using EDIFACT messages, then you could have them precede the
>character with a question mark (or other character specified in the UNA segment
>as the release character). Any character immediately following the release
>character will be used as data and not a delimiter.
>Linda Denison
>Senior Programmer Analyst
>FedEx Corporate Services
>EC Integration Development
>+1 (469) 524-6422
>Dale Marthaller wrote:
> > Does anyone have a work around for a situation where a trading partner has
> > imbedded data containing the same character as the element separator.
> >
> > I have a trading partner set up to use an asterisk as an element separator
> > but also has one element that contains an asterisk?
> >
> > Dale Marthaller
> > David Oppenheimer Group
> >
> > (604) 435-1386
> >
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