Am Samstag, den 04.03.2006, 17:33 -0800 schrieb Gary Taylor:
> my client sits with an X in the middle of the screen.  If I
> comment out the line with  SCREEN_01 = startx , then my
> client starts fine and I can login but then none of the
> changes I make to the file take affect. It doesn't appear
> that any changes take affect regardless of the startx line.
> For example I want to add
>  X_MODE_0  = 1024x768
> and maybe change
>  XSERVER = ati
the X_MODE variable is not supported yet in ubuntu ltsp, add the correct
values for X_HORZSYNC and X_VERTREFRESH to get the resolution you want,
the currently adjustable values for breezy can be found on:

> As an another example I changed
> and my client came up fine as long as
>  SCREEN_01 = startx does not try to start.
just for a try, what do you get if you hit ctrl-alt-f7 ? 
i suspect you are just starting a second X session on tty 1 (X is
running by default on tty 7 already) 

> I thought maybe XDMCP is not started but that doesn't fully
> make sense because the client starts fine. I did some
> experimentation with XDMCP in gdm.conf but that's another
> thread that may not be relevant.
edubuntu ltsp doesnt use xdmcp at all, it uses ssh tunnels to forward
the X traffic and it does use its ownn implementation of a login
manager, gdm is not capable of doing ssh tunnels as our ltsp needs them.


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