On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 03:57:44AM +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Sonntag, den 05.03.2006, 14:35 -0800 schrieb Gary Taylor:
> > >values for X_HORZSYNC and X_VERTREFRESH to get the
> > >resolution you want,
> >         X_HORZSYNC          = 1024
> >         X_VERTREFRESH      = 768
> these arent correct values ...
> i.e. for a resolution of 1280x800 my laptop display needs 
> hsync = 31-65 and vertrefresh = 45-90
> find the right values for your monitor, they should be in the monitor

Thanks Oli.

I changed the refresh rates and that makes the display look
a little better, but it doesn't seem like the resolution is
running at 1024x768, which is my overall goal.  I was hoping
X_MODE might be one way for me to do this, but I understand
when you say it's not supported yet.  

I feel like I'm wearing out my welcome here by asking
all these questions so I'll try to discipline myself and
keep it brief.

How should I force my client to use 1024x768?

It's unclear to me where the regular LTSP project ends and
Edubuntu LTSP starts.  Is there technical documentation that
explains Edubuntu LTSP so that I can try to figure out more
of these answers myself?  

Is this problem more suited for either a bounty or paid
support question?  I ask this question because I'm
experimenting with Edubuntu as a replacement for Gentoo.  I
like Gentoo and have been using it for a few years but I
found I was spending more time administrating Gentoo
than I was doing useful work.  I'm trying to avoid going down that
path again with Edubuntu. 

Thanks again,

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