Hi Dan.

> Ideas?

How about whipping up a cheap and dirty crystal controlled direct
conversion receiver?  Set your transceiver to the receiver's crystal
frequency (which you will be able to zero-beat to with your transceiver)
and perform your SSB tests.  Lots of cheap microprocessor surplus
crystals fall within HF ham bands, making this an easy solution.

The beauty of this approach is that the direct conversion receiver
contains no filtering or AGC (at least if you build it that way),
and will give you an extremely honest on-air audio sample.  You
won't need much in the way of receiver gain, either.

> Hey, anyone know of an Internet receiver I can listen through? That might
> work. Only thing I could find in the archives is http://www.smeter.net/ and
> it's off the air.


73, de John, KD2BD

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