
You could try using the microphone direct into a tape recorder if the mic's response is the primary question.

If you are referring to filter adjustments to match your voice, I think more emphasis than necessary has been placed on refining the frequency range. If you have set your FL1 BFO so that the lower frequency -3dB corner of the SSB passband is at 300 Hz, you will be presenting the best frequency response for communications use. Some exceptions do occur, but that is not the norm.

OTOH, if you have questions about overloading and clipping and the effects of compression on the fidelity of your voice or evaluating the response of that particular microphone with the K2, listening on a separate receiver is the best way to answer those questions. Of course, you can trust to another ham who knows your normal voice and has a receiver adequate to evaluate the signal - be certain that you are not overloading the receiver if that person is a local.

As has been mentioned in a prior post, a simple DC receiver can be used to tell you what your signal sounds like. DC receivers have all filtering done at audio, and have potential to provide the best fidelity.


----- Original Message -----
I've just gotten my MH2 working again with a RadioShack 270-090 element. I
have no idea if that's the right part, but it appeared identical to the Heil
part, and the o'scope says about 120 mV p-p when I talk normally (Measured
at pin 5 of the SSB adapter - should be the same as mic connectory pin 1).

Anyhow, I sold my "other" rig years ago as the K2 was all I appeared to
need. I'm wondering how to deal with on-air reports of "horrible audio,
almost unreadable" without hearing what I sound like.

a) Borrow an SSB rig and fix my K2.
b) Try stuff randomly on the air and hope the other ops give consistent

I'm not sure how much trouble a) would be, but it's most likely the best
way. I wonder what the shipping would be to borrow an "extra" rig from
someone? Any "spares" out there?

b) should work, but I have SSBA-1, SSBA-2, SSBC 1:1, SSBC 2:1, SSBC 3:1,
SSBC 4:1, the VFO (how to tune someone whose voice you don't know) and of
course, the BFO.

Varying all of these in an organized way is going to take another receiver
or someone VERY patient on the other end of the aether.


Hey, anyone know of an Internet receiver I can listen through? That might
work. Only thing I could find in the archives is http://www.smeter.net/ and
it's off the air.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

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