Wow!  RSGB has really run off the rails with this document in several 
VERY critical ways.  Look at the date of publication of this mess. Was 
it April 1?

First, it totally misses the fact that the primary reason for a 
connection to the SOIL is LIGHTNING PROTECTION.  Second, it mostly 
addresses BONDING related to the power system, and except for Paragraphs 
10,11, and 13, it is quite good.  Third, the TT system is not described 
in sufficient detail to clarify WHY one would want to use it, and I 
certainly would not because it does NOTHING for lightning protection. 
Fourth, no matter WHAT system is used, including TT, it is critical that 
all of those items listed in the regulations around Paragraph 7 be 
bonded for lightning safety. Fifth, the issue raised in Paragraph 11 is 
damage caused by a Pin One Problem (see my website), and safe power 
systems practice should NEVER be compromised to solve these issues.

Sixth, there is nothing in this document that says that any "earths" 
(grounds) must be separated -- indeed, those regulations cited around 
Paragraph 7 say exactly the opposite.  More important, the Laws of 
Physics say that to separate grounds is an invitation to someone being 
killed, a fire starting, or severe damage from a lightning strike.

Seventh, Paragraph 13, which suggests that it is OK for antennas to not 
be bonded to earth is incredible folly.

Eighth, the fact that you read this and think that grounds (earths) 
should be separated indicates a serious defect either in their writing 
or your reading.

For a tutorial with a far more solid engineering basis, I suggest you 
study my White Paper on Power and Grounding, which includes power 
systems around the world.  While specifically written for audio and 
video system professionals, the Laws of Physics that govern lightning 
safety and power system safety are independent of national borders.

73, Jim Brown K9YC

On 8/13/2012 9:23 AM, David Cutter wrote:
> I've come in rather late on this, Jim, but here in the UK (and 
> possibly other Eu) the two "earths" must be separated.  If you feel 
> like a read, here is the advice from the RSGB.
> 73
> David
> G3UNA 

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