
Re: "The media is a joke." Amen.

Having worked for several highly visible Government agencies, I was always amazed at media accounts of our activities. They were nothing like the real story.

Thomas Jefferson once said that while he believed in freedom of the press, he thought that the media should be in four clearly marked sections, Truth, Probabilities, Possibilities, and Lies.



At 08:44 AM 9/8/2005 -0400, Jason Hissong wrote:
I normally don't chime in on these things... My initial reaction after reading Mr. Screeden's comments was "what a pompous jerk!" But after re-reading the article, I think Mr.Screeden is referring to Ham radio is all you got left when he is stating "pretty close to nothing" and not being demeaning. I think the reporter put his comments out of context which they do to stir up the pot and keep their ratings up so that people come back for more. Motorola should not be apologizing (because I don't think his intentions were what the article leads us to believe). I think the media needs to apologize. The media is a joke.

I know that this whole disaster has motivated me to take the ARES courses from the ARRL and get involved in our local ARES organization. My wife is even thinking of participating (She would make an awesome net controller!!!)

Going back to lurking...

Jason N8XE

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