Dear Elecraft,

I am planning to use my KX3 with an external transverter. The KX3 has only the 
single main antenna socket, and it is important that I do not accidentally 
transmit too high a power into the transverter's input attenuator and mixer. 
Normally I would want a very low power level.

 I can set the maximum power when using a transverter using the  XV H in the 
KX3 menu, this is very useful, however I believe that the ATU TUNE button will 
still try and tune at approx 3 watts even though I set a lower maximum power of 
say 0.1 watts in XV H.  

I thought perhaps that when an XV was selected in the BAND that the ATU TUNE 
would be disabled, or the ATU always put in BYPASS mode but it is not. 

I know I can put the ATU in bypass mode, but I am bound to forget one day, and 
accidentally press ATU TUNE and cause damage to my transverter.

I guess I have a feature request, make sure that ATU TUNE button does not 
transmit when a XV is selected (ATU in bypass mode) , it would also be nice if 
the ATU mode was band specific.


David Anderson GM4JJJ
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