First off, I didn't mean to imply that Elecraft shouldn't continue on their 
path to the big amplifiers that they are building. Sorry if anyone had that 
impression. My hope was that a lower priced, lower power version would also 
become available.

I can't help but wonder if some of the technology in the new amps could result 
in such an amplifier as I propose. Just like the K1 uses a lot of the design 
and technology of the K2, but in a simpler context.

To get a solid state amp of kilowatt proportions, it must have at least a few 
individual power amplifiers combined into one output. My hope was that 
perhaps one or two of these individual power amps could form the basis of a 

I also didn't realize that the FCC restricted manufacturer of amplifiers with 
certain power specifications, I thought that they merely resticted the sale 
or importation of such devices and it would be okay for Elecraft to build an 
amplifier for export only. I have since been educated. Therefore a KPA400 
option looks like the most practical option.

Darrell  VA7TO   K2 #5093O

on February 4, 2006 08:33 am, Darrell Bellerive wrote:
> How about a version for all of us not in the USA that are not encumbered by
> FCC regulations?
> Take the K2's 10 watt PEP or 15 Watt CW output and generate somewhere in
> the neighborhood of 400 watts PEP or CW. Perhaps a KPA400 would solve the
> FCC problem. And of course we would need a matching KAT400, BL4,...
> Darrell  VA7TO  K2 #5093
> On February 1, 2006 08:48 am, wayne burdick wrote:
> > The K2 by itself cannot legally drive an amplifier to full power; the
> > rule states that at least 50 watts of drive must be required.

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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