Good Afternoon,
This epistle is earlier than normal since I have no idea when I will be back home this evening. I am off to Beaverton. Hopefully I will not get too lost in the big city ;) I find it much easier to negotiate the forests and hills than I do city streets. I have a map to follow which can be good or bad. A compass and a topo map would be easier but the land is so flat there are not many landmarks! If you do not hear from me tomorrow afternoon send out the search and rescue folks. I may have gotten stuck in a cul-de-sac :) The flowers are starting to open, the hummingbirds are feeding, and the snow is falling. It must be Spring. The marshland is alive with the sound of frogs and waterfowl. Birds are searching for nest making materials too. One of these days the snow and rain will stop so I can till the soil for my garden. Each year I till it and then erect a cover to keep it warm. One of these years I will construct another, larger greenhouse to make life easier for me. Then I will have to fight off the burrowing animals who love to eat my root crops. I think I'll set some mesh panels in around the perimeter to see if that will fend them off. At least direct their path of entry to where I can place a few mole traps. That may or may not get their attention. The last few days have provided fair to good propagation on 40 meters at 7 PM local time. Hopefully that will translate into good propagation for our nets. Now to wax my antennas so the water does not dilute my RF.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

   Until tomorrow,
       Kevin.  KD5ONS
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