Good Evening,
My eyelids are growing very heavy, I am getting sleepy, I am just about to hypnotize myself via email :) But, before I fall into bed I'd like you all to know about the two nets tomorrow. Maybe the sun will provide us with good propagation. I have no idea how it's been lately because I've been working long hours six days a week. The project is coming along though so there will be a respite shortly. Then I think I will sleep for a week! Today was sunny and almost warm. Last night the skies were so clear I wished for time to drag out my telescope. One of these nights I will get a clear sky and some time to get back to looking for Messier and NGC objects. Or split a few double stars, sketch Jupiter or the moon, or add a few filters to look for doubly ionized hydrogen clouds or nebulae. Next Saturday I am taking off from work to go out in the field, erect a few antennas, and get on the air during QRP to the Field. I think I will be using my own call sign but that is to be determined. We will have fun and see how many contacts we make on the four rigs we'll take along. My K2 will switch tops so I can run low power and use the original ATU. We will have each of the three Elecraft rigs (KX1, K1, and K2) so we can compare their capabilites. I am not sure of our antenna choices yet but we'll get up a few of them to see how they compare too.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

   Until tomorrow,
        Kevin.  KD5ONS

P. S.  The daffodils are blooming like crazy!
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