Good Evening,
I am sitting in a warm house tonight. I collected the scraps from around the woodshed to build a fire. I thought 55 degrees at my desk was a bit too chilly. One of these days the wind will shift from the Gulf of Alaska to its other path from near Hawaii and we will be much, much warmer. I'll miss these chilly days which are so nice for cutting, splitting, and stacking wood. I have three working computers again. I had had a spate of disk crashes and trojans allowing in other nasty demons. I decided to burn the OS from each and then ghost the drives for safe retrieval of my data and documents. It took a while but now my network is stable again. Luckily only those three were harmed, the others were unaffected. I can now watch DVDs which had been entertainment I'd been lacking for the last two weeks. I was listening on many of the amateur bands today in hopes of hearing the chatter from the local hamfest in Seaside. No luck, I'd probably have been better off with my HT on two meters. I figured they'd at least try ten or fifteen meters for local work since I'd seen so many rigs with whip antennas travelling over the Coast Range toward the ocean. Tomorrow, Father's Day, we'll be running both nets on or near the appointed frequencies. The second net will have flying pigs all around us so I'll find a clear frequency to get started and then run the net from there. Hopefully they'll be able to hear me so they'll not call CQ over the top of either the NCS or the ops trying to check in. If I am able I'll give out my FP# at QRP levels. It is tough to work them since they always schedule their group wallows during ECN. Hopefully the rains will cease so I can whack down the jungle of grass which is the front yard. I know Ms. P would get on my case for its present condition. Now if the mower starts and the grass is not too tough I'll keep her happy. I owe a number of you reply email, please be patient; I'll get to each of you soon.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Until tomorrow,
  Kevin. KD5ONS     FP# 765

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