Good Evening,
I hope you all had a good day. I got a lot of chores done due to the weather we had today. Light rain on and off allowed me to burn a lot of brush and get the chimney cleaned. The rain settled the dust and allowed me to burn without worrying about the nearby slash. Normally our rains are accompanied by little or no wind so the fire would not flare up. But I kept an eye on it as I got my other chores done. While on the roof I noticed more antenna work is due for a few of my antennas. I need to get that done soon before the biting flies make it tough. A squirrel decided one guy rope was good eating so a doublet is unsupported on one end. A dual dipole is still on the roof awaiting reattachment to a nearby fir or hemlock tree. If I guy it E-W I may be able to use the 40 meter part for gathering folks in BC or CA. If I make it low enough I'll be able to work in a circular pattern out to Idaho or Nevada. However, more chores need to be done before I can get to bed so I'll cut this short.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

   Until tomorrow,
        Kevin.  KD5ONS
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