Some thoughts on the K4...

Make/keep it modular. Start with a basic radio that provides an excellent electronic foundation for whatever builds on top of it. The model in this respect is the initial K3. This allows for flexibility in configuring a radio that can accommodate the different needs/desires/budgets in the ham community. It also provides for a manageable initial price with the cost of future "expansions" spread out over time.

By the way, "upgrade" makes the basic radio sound as if it's a dummied down version that needs more expensive stuff to make it worth while. "Extensions" sounds like what it is without short-sheeting the basic unit.

Resist the call to include every ham shack wire and gadget in the basic radio. Doing so compromises the "modular" criteria and ends up with an "all things for all people" radio that tends to satisfy hardly anyone. Not to mention cost of production and repair and the operating complexity that many hams will reject. Concerning this last point, remember all those who complain about the complexity of stacked menus.

Personally, I would not include touch screens. A touch screen for radio control seem to me to be an individual interest/appreciation that does not, by its self, increase radio usability and capability. Just because a technology can be applied to a given function does not mean that doing so will enhance that function. Of course, marketing issues can influence this decision. But note that contest stations, DX-peditions, and discerning operators do not seem to be put off by the simple, almost rudimentary UI of the K3-S. I would think that capability, extendability and packaging are the major selling points, not bells, whistles and cosmetics.

All that said, I'm confident that the Elecraft team will do the right thing, both for the health of the company and the enjoyment of the amateur radio community.


On 3/25/2019 12:25, Gordon LaPoint wrote:
I would love an SDR (I have an ANAN-10e) with a front panel and the
software for the computer, best of both worlds.  I have an Apache Labs
ANAN-7000 DLE Mk2 (without computer) on order, but would love to replace
that with the K4, that is full SDR with dual ADC's like the ANAN-7000.

I have a K2(10Watt) and a K3 (updated, but not USB module), KPA/KAP 500
combo and will keep all of the Elecraft equipment.

I love the bandscope that I can click on with the mouse and tune the
radio to a signal, the K4 needs a band scope on the computer screen when
used with a computer!

PureSignal on TX is now a must, get ahead of everyone, except the Apache
Labs radios.

Better noise reduction, (even the ANAN-10e has better)

CW as good as the K3, or better.

That is a good start, lets see what others come up with.

Gordon - N1MGO  (long time K3 user)

On 3/24/19 8:14 PM, Eric Swartz WA6HHQ - Elecraft wrote:
Inquiring minds want to know:
What would you all like to see as a “K4” ?


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