I've got an MFJ-259 (not the -B model). It has performed pretty well over the years, not perfect, but it always seems to work for me. You can get by a lot cheaper with an absorptive SWR bridge and your QRP radio. Go to (Phil Salas' website) for some suggestions (tenna-tune and tenna-tune2) on how to build one. Or go to (Doug Hendricks' site) for a kit that is similar. Someone else suggested (4 states qrp group) for another solution. None of these are as fancy as the MFJ, but if all you want to do is adjust an antenna after assembling it, they will probably all work fairly well for you.

I have no financial interest in any of these products, but I've used some of Phil's ideas and have purchased kits from Doug and the Four States group and have been well satisfied in each case.


John AA0VE

KJ3D wrote:
Hello Group,
I purchased a 17 m add-on to a Hustler 6-BTV vertical and the instructions
recommended I use an antenna analyzer to tune it up.
Anyway, I have enormous respect for the brain trust available on this
reflector and it seems like I know some of you - unlike the more-or-less
disembodied reviews on eHam.
Any thouhts about the 259B? Any other suggestions? - 300 bucks is ALOT more than I would like to spend,
so please don't suggest any of the AEA jobs - I would have to get a second
Thanks in advance, es 73 Tom, kj3d
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