> The PC interfaces to the K3 also needs an Internet connection.

Does PC mean Windows, or are other operating systems supported? Which Windows versions are supported?

More specifically, the program which updates the K3 needs access to the updated files. If the computer that is used to update the K3 is also on the Internet, then the process is very simple - the program automatically looks in the right place on the 'net.

If not, you have to copy the files from the 'net -- or wherever else they may be found -- to the computer that will be used to update the K3.

The *current* version of the update application requires Windows XP with .NET 2.0. This has been the standard distribution of Windows since 2001, and is still an available distribution. .NET 2.0 is available for free from Microsoft via their website and is already loaded on a very large percentage of Windows XP computers already.

This was the most expedient way to get the update application written and deployed to the development team and field testers. Support is planned for other Windows versions, as well as other OSes, but right now the engineering effort is going into making the K3 better.

However, I doubt there will ever be a version for my Acorn RISC PC running RISCOS 3.70...


Lyle KK7P

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