That is one of the great things about our hobby, there is
surely something for everyone.

As long as others don't object about someone else's
favorite thing, its great.

I don't get into contests, but I don't mind the guys that do
taking over the bands from time to time.

I hope they don't mind me getting on AM once and a while
on uncrowded bands, using my home brew tube stations.

Sure is a lot to do on ham radio though, all the modes,
all the frequencies, computer stuff, satellite, fm repeater,
cw, home brew, vintage, contests, dx, rag chewing, nets, qrp,
kit building, really, what other hobby has so much...


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julian G4ILO
> Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 3:52 AM
> To: elecraft
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Optimized mic ?
> Living in a densely populated area like I do and with indoor antennas
> - no chance!
> If my 10 watts can't make a particular contact then it's no big deal
> to me. It's only a hobby, a pastime, not life or death communications,
> not worth causing interference to the neighbours. I don't understand
> why people have to get so competitive about radio. The ordinary
> business of making a living in the real world is competitive enough
> for me. Getting my web pages on to the first page of Google search
> results is a more worthwhile challenge than trying to work a bunch of
> guys perched on a piece of rock in the Pacific Ocean. What I want from
> a hobby is relaxation.
> The thrill I get from making contacts with low power more than makes
> up for the ones I don't make, many of which 100W might not have made
> either.
> I envy those who can put up towers and beams and run high power, but
> it's just like I envy those who run luxury cars, or own a yacht or a
> villa in the south of France. It would be nice to have those things,
> but I don't need them, and don't imagine I will ever be able to afford
> them, so I don't lose any sleep over not having them.
> -- 
> Julian, G4ILO K2 s/n: 392  K3 s/n: ???
> G4ILO's Shack:
> Ham-Directory:
> On 9/6/07, Simon Brown (HB9DRV) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Just wait until you see the Elecraft 1500w power amp - I 
> bet you'll have
> > your order sent off within 48 hours.
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