On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:43:02 -0400, Rich Ardolino wrote:

>A few years back I was active member in a local ham club which
>held its meetings at the old MARS station at Fort Monmouth, NJ.,
>(K2USA) A couple of times we connected my K2 to the full size
>rhombic. Even on 40m ssb we were getting 20-30 over 9 reports
>from Europe with my power set at 10 watts....worked even better
>on cw at 5 watts. The antenna makes a big difference.

  The 17 dB gain of a rhombic is hard to beat.  All the
  commercial HF point-to-point stations used them, as did a lot
  of government agencies for p-to-p circuits.

  Before the advent of satellite circuits, the TV station
  serving ElCentro, CA / Yuma, AZ picked up the CBS network feed
  from Channel 2 in Los Angeles with a huge 50 MHz rhombic.  Not
  bad for 6-meter band antenna !!

  I think that a good rhombic hooked to a K2 would really throw
  an impressive signal!

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   Elecraft K2/100   s/n 5402

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