Don raises a very good point here:
> The idea is that the base K2 should be tested before any changes for
options are made.

Doing the rework eliminators departs from this recommendation.  Gary &
crew publish a very complete set of instructions for how to modify your
K2 manual prior to building the K2.  I followed Gary's edits to a T and
my K2, complete with a full set of rework eliminators, went together
just fine.

BUT, if you're a bit lazy and don't do the manual update PRIOR to
building.  If you try to jump between the 2 manuals in real time as you
build, if you screw something up, then you have a modified K2 that isn't
working and that is tougher to debug than a stock K2.

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -
- K3 Wave 3 -
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