The only reason I mention the labels is because it seems lately if you
ask someone to press two buttons to get something done or to actually
learn/remember something they look at you like you stole their favorite
blanket.  I love the whole press for one option and hold for another to
get rid of having to press a F key and even more love the way that
Elecraft laid out the panel so that often a press activates/inactivates
a feature and a hold configures it.  Can't get much simpler/cleaner than

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 20:25 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yes, Don, I agree completely. Forget about the labels entirely and
> just learn them by key position. However, I went with a vertical
> scheme vs your horizontal one...
> The first keypad column (1,4,7) is 160, 80, & 40. Second column is 20
> to 6 (6m stands apart way down there on the zero key); third column is
> the warc bands. 
> I figure if I can keep track of forty-some keys on a keyboard without
> looking then I can memorize the positions of ten band buttons on the
> k3. Now my band locations just seem.... right! No label reading; no
> mental translation... the buttons ARE the bands!
> So, if the power goes out I can navigate the bands without even
> needing to see the buttons. (Admittedly, there isn't much point to
> navigating the band buttons when there is no power to the K3...)
> 73,
> Drew
> AF2Z
> On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 19:03:25 -0400, Don W3FPR wrote:
> >John,
> >
> >No matter what 'system' a particular person uses, he will get used to it.
> >I have mine set:
> >
> >1 = 80m     2 = 40m     3 = 30m   --- "the low bands"
> >4 = 20m     5 = 15m     6 = 10m   --- "the high bands'
> >7 = 17m     8 = 12m     9 = 6m     --- "the WARC bands (almost)"
> >                  0 = 160m                   --- " TOP BAND "
> >
> >60 meters is seldom used here, so it is select 80 meters and then tap 
> >the BAND up button.
> >
> >I can easily remember the order without having to remember what number 
> >is associated with it.  YMMV, everyone's mind works differently.
> >I wonder how ON4UN would want to set his?  Maybe he is happy with the 
> >BAND buttons.
> >
> >73,
> >Don W3FPR
> >
> >
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