Yes indeed it would be a sorry situation if an operator can't tell the
difference between a desired signal and an audio harmonic, fortunately my thread is not about that.

Anyway, the "noise/distortion" is still there coming out of the headphone socket.


Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
Insignificant depends on the decoder, what you are decoding (PSK or RTTY), band conditions, and the operator. If a PSK operator is using the IF with a broadband setting and tries to work a signal that's really a harmonic, it won't work -- he'll be transmitting on a frequency displaced from the signal he thinks he's working (displaced by 2X the audio frequency of the actual signal if it's a third harmonic, 1X if it't the second harmonic). If it's a crowded RTTY contest, there can be lots of big signals creating that IM. Or the operator could be using a narrow roofing filter and those other signals are not there or heavily suppressed, so can't cause IM.

It would be a sorry situation if an operator can't tell the difference between a desired signal and an audio harmonic down 50 dB. K3_Line_out.jpg shows the line out spectrum of my K3 at 1 KHz, Data_A, 2.8 KHz 1st IF filter and 4 KHz filter. The third harmonic is -62 dB and the fifth harmonic is - 80 dB. See: A typical waterfall does not show the spurious signals at the soundcard input (noise on the cables) which is well below the "band noise" - typically around -60 dBu. 73, ... Joe, W4TV

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K3 Harmonic Distortion

On Mon, 1 Sep 2008 12:38:31 -0400, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

Jim is entirely correct although we will disagree a bit about
the need to keep the line out as low as he suggests. My own measurements say the harmonic distortion is insignificant as long as the Line Out levels stay below .5V RMS.
Insignificant depends on the decoder, what you are decoding (PSK or RTTY), band conditions, and the operator. If a PSK operator is using the IF with a broadband setting and tries to work a signal that's really a harmonic, it won't work -- he'll be transmitting on a frequency displaced from the signal he thinks he's working (displaced by 2X the audio frequency of the actual signal if it's a third harmonic, 1X if it't the second harmonic). If it's a crowded RTTY contest, there can be lots of big signals creating that IM. Or the operator could be using a narrow roofing filter and those other signals are not there or heavily suppressed, so can't cause IM.
The headphone outputs are exceptionally clean as long as the
audio amplifier level is kept below 2V peak (1.4V RMS) and the output impedance is not too low. In fact, noise in the audio amplifier (headphones) is 70 dB below the desired (CW at 500 Hz) signal +/- 250 Hz and 80 dB below the desired signal above that. All harmonics are down more than 60 dB as long as the headphone level is not at levels that could damage hearing (> 1.4V RMS).
YES! My measurements of the headphone output, taken at about 1 volt RMS, show harmonic distortion at about 0.02% and IM at less than 0.1%. That is VERY VERY good! 1VRMS is LOUD!
The headphone output in the K3 is cleaner than any amateur
receiver I have seen and certainly better than the current crop from Ikensu or Yaecomwood.


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