Thanks everyone for the replies.

I just would like to put this thread back onto its tracks..... The problem is with CW (although SSB does suffer too) and the main problem is that I can hear the 3rd harmonic which when mixed with the fundamental makes a rough note on CW especially when tuning away going up in frequency.

I only used the waterfall program to confirm and to see at which harmonic it occurred and line levels, AGC, PC cards etc...etc... have no baring on this as I'm not measuring anything, just confirming that it is there.

I compared 2 K3s and both had the same effect.

I'm using a Hiel headset to listen to CW it is also noticeable on the main speaker but less so due to its design.

When confirming on the waterfall and indeed with my ears the rig is at default setting & no amount of tweaking helps. Even with 1KHz of filtering a 3rd harmonic is present.

1) Yes
2) Line level is irrelevant as I'm just confirming that it is there and at which harmonic so as to give feedback to the reflector.
3) as above.

I agree with you, nothing seems to help and I've never had this with the FT1000MP or my recent Mk v.

I envy the K3 you have.... as there is 3rd product distortion and never had this on any other rig... could there be a "bad batch" or K3s? Just like to re-iterate that the thread is not about how to set up your PC/LINE OUT or IN not to get distortion, it is about 3rd harmonic distortion present on the headphone socket and speaker with or without default settings!

PSK + RTTY might have its own problems & its not part of my discussion, I'm trying to concentrate this thread on just one mode CW where this problem is significant as at times it is unpleasant to listen to. SSB also has this unpleasant distortion.

There is one option a friend suggested.... wait until I get older and the hearing drops off in frequency.... at the moment it seems the only option..hi..hi..hi..



Jim Brown wrote:
On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 14:30:45 +0100, Berni G0IDA wrote:

I hope there is a cure for this as it's frustrating listening to CW with this sort of distortion.

There are three things you should do. 1) Make sure that the AGC is on, and that the CONFIG AGC settings are at the defaults. 2) Reduce the LINEOUT GAIN (on the CONFIG menu) to a value less than about 4. This prevents distortion that could occur in the output transformer.

3) Adjust the input gain of your computer so that you have enough signal for the decoder to function, but not enough to cause distortion.

This should correct any problems.


Jim K9YC

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