What about to have settings of RX and TX EQ not by mode but as profiles?

let´s have RXEQ1, RXEQ2,....,RXEQ5,...

also TXEQ1,.....TXEQ5,...

all stored for possible recall

someteimes is good to use more profiles in one mode - other headphones, microfone change, other data mode,...

so it will be up to operator which --tested-- profile wil use in any mode for RX and which one for TX

the important thing is to go to last chosen profiles if mode changes, not to choose again after mode change

just idea, sorry SW guys :-)

Lexa, ok1dst
K3/10 #727

Barry N1EU napsal(a):

Julian, G4ILO wrote:

K7TV wrote:
It would be great if the TX equalizer could have separate settings per
mode, but I would be happy if just the equalizer were bypassed in DATA A.
I think something along these lines should be a high priority.

It might actually be more useful if the equalizer was bypassed when LINE
IN is used

I agree about different TX EQ by mode, and I think there should also be
different RX EQ by mode.  But don't bypass TX EQ automatically when LINE IN
is used.  Many of us use that in SSB.

Barry N1EU

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