My first reaction to seeing the P3 was that its front panel layout is 
presently designed for it to be located on the LEFT side of the K3.  I know 
all the left handed people out there will say that's fine but as a rightie I 
disagree.  Placing it on the left of the K3 it sits next to the front panel 
Mic and Phone connectors (with associated cables).  It also sits next to the 
left mounted carrying handle (scratches from existing handle mounting 
screws).  For me, this "left side" location forces me to shift the radio 7 
inches to the right of my seating position.  Guess I'm an old fart who 
expects various rig accessories (speakers, DMU's, scopes, etc) to be located 
on the right.  I'm sure someone will say that all I would have to do is move 
the unit to the right side.  However, the existing proto-type layout is not 
optimized for that location.  Perhaps Elecraft will entertain reversing 
(flip) the existing front panel layout to allow optimized right side 
location.  The only reason I can think of that may have prompted the P3's 
present location is the closer proximity to the IF Out/Accessory connectors, 
or all the designers at Elecraft are left handed ;-)

Nice hi-res display, 400 KHz max display span, matching K3 esthetics.  Going 
to be a very popular accessory for the K3.

Frank - W6NEK

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