Barry asked for the ability to display AGC parameters.  These values are
currently read by accessing menus and reading them from the VFO A display
area.  During that menu access, another application might send an UP or DN
command, which could change one of the AGC parameters.  That's my only
point.  New single-command queries could solve that particular issue.

I don't know the list of K3 commands that LP-Bridge blocks. I don't know how
LP-Bridge uses its knowledge of what one application is doing to influence
the commands permitted by another.  I'm using the LPB html
help page as my source of info on what LP-Bridge does.

LP-Bridge offers a useful subset of the K3 Command set to many applications.
But it's the LP-Bridge virtualization that these applications see, and
that's different from the K3 programmer's reference command set.  This is a
very useful subset, but arguably insufficient for the requested application.

Dick, K6KR

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Moss [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 3:40 PM
To: Dick Dievendorff
Cc: Wayne Burdick;;
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 needs survey -- firmware and application software

Perhaps the solution is to make it possible to obtain information
about the state of things that an operator might want to change
without having to open a menu?

Barry asked for some specific information to be displayed on-screen.
He was not even requesting the ability to change those items from the
computer. Perhaps there could be an "extra information" command that
reported the current state of various settings that are not displayed
on the K3 screen but which an operator can readily change and would
want to check on? I'm not sure why he wanted to see AGC configuration
settings as I would not consider those to be something that is
normally changed during operation. Many operators probably never
change those settings.

On 23/12/2009, Dick Dievendorff <> wrote:
> I agree.  Several subset cases can be shared within the scope of
> virtualization of the K3.  I just don't know where the edge is...  Opening
> menu is perhaps not something you'd want to do with multiple applications
> running.
Julian, G4ILO
G4ILO's Shack:

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