Comments below
> 1. Are the external (K144XV, 25 W) and internal (XV144, 10 W) 2m
> transverters identical with respect to receiver specs? 
The noise figure at the antenna jack on the internal transverter may be 
slightly higher due to the PIN diode T/R switch.  The external 
transverter has relay-based T/R switching.
> 2. Is there a schematic on the web for the internal 2m transceiver, XV144?
The schematic has not been posted yet.  However, I just compared the 
receiver section of the K144XV the XV144 and, apart from the relay 
versus PIN diode switch, they are essentially identical. I say 
essentially because a component value may be slightly different due to 
stray or parasitic PCB layout differences, but the circuit topology and 
active devices are identical.
> 3. If we want also to run an K432XV do we still have a choice between
> running an internal or an external 2m transverters?
Yes.  The internal 2m module has its own set of switched IF connectors 
on the KXV3A (not KXV3) interface.  External Elecraft transverters hook 
up to the external jacks.  If you use external 2m and 70cm Elecraft 
transverters, they will both conenct tot he K3.
> 4. IF the K3 has two receivers, can one listen on 2 m and the other on 70
> cm?

I believe the answer is yes, *but* one will have to be interfaced using 
the regular antenna connections.  The KXV3(A) only provides connection 
to one receiver.  This is not compatible with the usual "daisy chain" 
configuration of XV-series transverters.


Lyle KK7P
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