Fred Gohlke wrote:

> I suspect you are right, even though ...
>     "O wad some Power the giftie gie us
>      To see oursels as ithers see us!"

Excellent!  May discussion be that gift!  Theory says so, if not the

> It seems sad that a passionate search for a more democratic electoral 
> method may be seen as anger by folks professing a belief in democracy. 
> Still, I shouldn't be surprised.  From what I've seen, many who profess 
> belief in democracy lack faith in the judgment of the people.

Faith may be too much to ask of them.  They may need to hear the
judgement before agreeing to it.  And we the people, we may need to
hear our collective voice in practice - "to see oursels as ithers see
us" - before we pass final judgement.

> re: "(Your proposal is interesting, all the same.)"
> I'm glad you find it so.  It would be helpful if you could outline
> its shortcomings.  I will, of course, express my point of view
> (passionately?)  in the hope we can isolate specific failings and
> reduce their adverse effect.

But I am sworn to a truce with you!  Critique of method is not
allowed.  (Nor is quibbling.  I have renamed the thread. :)

So I return the question in this form: What other election methods
have been proposed that are similar, either in purpose or technique,
to your own practical democracy?  Of those most similar, what are
their compartative strengths and weaknesses?

P.S.  Do you still prefer a CC for list posts?

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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