Fred Gohlke wrote:

> You responded:
>    "Faith may be too much to ask of them."
> If so, their lack of regard for the judgment of the people belies their 
> belief in democracy!!!!

I understand now, you speak of those who lack faith - not in a
particular judgment of the people - but more generally, in all such
judgments.  I intended my answer to apply only to particular
judgements, where I think faith is too much to ask.  One must judge
for oneself, case by case, because a people can make mistakes.

I also intended my answer to apply to particular institutions of
democracy, such as a newly proposed election method.  We cannot judge
such a proposal on the basis of its principles alone.  We must also
look on the practical side.  There too, faith is too much to ask.

Democracy is a beautiful idea.  I think we'll do our best to make it a
reality.  I have faith - we won't give up too easily.  But that's an
historical fact!

> A thoughtful critique would be welcome ...

Yes, always welcome!  Let's together find one.

Generally, do you think it's useful to look at other, similar election
methods?  To identify points of similarity and difference?  Strengths
and weaknesses?

> ... There are informal arrangements of this type all around us ("You
> drive, we're drunk.") but I'm unaware of any attempt to formalize
> the procedure.

Can you explain these informal arrangements in more detail?  As an
engineer, I see them as design prototypes.

> ... I was under the impression that clicking on the underlined part
> of the author's name at the top of a post (Michael Allan mike at
>, in your case) automatically sent a copy of the post to
> the author...

In my case (thanks for reminding me!) I need to add a typed line at
the top of the message:

  Cc: Fred Gohlke <>

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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