On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 07:01:14PM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 06:32:41PM EDT, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
>  [..]
>  Please report any problems on IRC or here on the list.
> > 
> The install went very smoothly - both sm and elinks.
> I checked what was specified in the install guide:
> libjs.so -> libjs.so
> Ecmascript .................... SpiderMonkey
> .. looked ok to  me.
> When I tried to start the new version in /usr/local/bin:
> $ elinks
> .. gives me a 
> elinks: error while loading shared libraries: libjs.so: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> I did an ldconfig just in case.. no joy.. 
> Then I did a 
> $ dpkg -l *libjs*
> and it tells me this:
> pn  libjs0      ... 
> pn  libjs0-dev   
> pn  libjsw-dev   
> pn  libjsw1.5    
> pn  libjsw2      
> .. looks like the javascript libs are not installed..?

Try `dpkg -l lib*js*`. libjs0 is an entirely different ECMAScript
engine, one which ELinks does not support, while libjsw is some library
for joysticks. The packages that you need are libsmjs1 and libsmjs-dev
(for the current stable) or libmozjs0d and libmozjs-dev (for testing or
unstable). What release of Debian are you using?

It looks like the instructions need to be more explicit: if you can
apt-get install libsmjs-dev, none of the other instructions need be

> Should I apt-get any of these packages?

Did you run `apt-get install libsmjs-dev`?

Can you provide the output of `ldd elinks`? This will tell which
libraries ELinks was built to use.

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