On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 05:24:18AM EDT, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 04:39:53AM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:42:29AM EDT, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> > [..]
> > > 
> > > No problem.
> > > 
> > > The forgotten master session only explains one of the problems. I am
> > > still curious about how the configure script found SpiderMonkey, yet you
> > > had a binary that clearly was trying to link with a non-existent
> > > library. 
> > 
> > my *guess* is that elinks's configure script looks in all likely
> > places..  and this includes the /usr/local tree.
> > 
> > > I still don't understand how /usr/local came into this--Debian
> > > packages should not store anything relevant under there. I'd like to
> > > understand these problems so that they might be avoided by other users.
> > 
> > yes, but the libjs that elinks uses is not the standard debian lib.. 
> > 
> > I did a:
> > 
> > $ find ../spidermonkey/js -name libjs.so -print
> > 
> > .. and sure enough the lib is part of the sm tarball.. and the exact
> > same size as the one in /usr/local/lib (550,952 bytes).
> > 
> > Now, since prior to make-ing spidermonkey I set the $PREFIX to
> > /usr/local - as specified in ecmascript.text, I would assume that this
> > caused all binaries that come with sm to be eventually installed in the
> > /usr/local tree.. including the libjs lib. 
> Are you saying that prior to installing the Debian package, you had
> built SpiderMonkey yourself and put it in /usr/local?

Not sure what you mean by "the Debian package" - I used the spidermonkey
tarball (since I needed to patch the source). As to the "prior".. there
never was a spidermonkey on this system before I did this install. 

I followed the ecmascript.txt instructions to the letter:

1. apt-get of the libsmjs1 libsmjs-dev
2. download + patch + build of spidermonkey

As recommended, I changed the $PREFIX in the config.mk file to
something more suitable than the default (/opt/spidermonkey, I think).
As it happens I thought /usr/local was not likely to cause any problems
with the debian packaging system so I copy/pasted the sed command
provided as an example in the document.

The only problem I see with ecmascript.txt is that it does not mention
that on a debian (stable) system it may be necessary to manually add
/usr/local/lib to /etc/ldconfig.so.conf.  So maybe a reminder that the
list of directories where ldconfig looks for libraries might need
updating on some systems could help non-technical users like myself. 
> > > In any case, have fun with ECMAScript!
> > > 
> > Well.. that was pretty much what I was wondering earlier.. now it's
> > installed what good is it..?  I mean in the real world.. I would
> > imagine that it should be transparent..  Stuff that didn't work
> > before should now work.  I should have kept my prior version of
> > elinks some place..  continued using that until I ran into a "js
> > disabled" problem and switched to this version to see the
> > difference. It's really very late over here so I just can't think of
> > any site where I tried to access some gadget-y link and got denied
> > with the previous version. But as far as I can tell most pages seem
> > to use js to add some gimmicky rendering stuff that's not compatible
> > with a text mode browser anyway..  so I'm not so sure it's really
> > going to make much difference.
> The support in ELinks is adequate for the occasional alert,
> ECMAScript-based redirect, some documents that use ECMAScript to
> manipulate forms or require ECMAScript to submit the forms, and some
> other small things that shouldn't require ECMAScript anyway. It is
> foremost the cool dynamic document manipulation that is not presently
> supported.  There have been a few success stories, and if you have a
> particular site that doesn't work, you can report it on IRC or the
> list, and it is possible that we might be able to add the necessary
> capability, if it isn't said cool dynamic document manipulation stuff.
What kind of capabilities does the "cool dynamic document manipulation"

What I noticed is that most of the "js links" point to the launching of
some multimedia stuff via adhoc plugins that I really have no time for..
but I'll keeep an eye open for problems with the "regular stuff" and
report them here if any arise.



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