On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 09:17:05PM EDT, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 08:56:59PM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 07:18:52PM EDT, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> > 
> > ok.. what you said about the debian packages providing different
> > support finally connected. I read the ldconfig manual.. took a quick
> > look at /etc/ldconfig.so.conf and sure enough.. there was no
> > /usr/local/lib..
> There shouldn't be, unless you are using libraries that didn't
> come with Debian. Is it possible that you have an old copy of
> SpiderMonkey that you built yourself and put in /usr/local?

Looks like what happened is that standard .debs never install libs
under /usr/local.  As a result, since ldconfig - at least the version
that comes with debian does not look at /usr/local/lib unless directed
to do so by and entry in /etc/ldconfig.so.conf. 

I didn't mention earlier that before I added /usr/local/lib to my
configuration, I checked the timestamp on /usr/local/lib/libjs.so. As
far as I can tell, everything would appear to be in order.

> > So I added it.. ldconfig'd.. and elinks came up ok.
> > 
> > Makes sense that by default debian stable only uses the trusted lib
> > locations.
> > 
> > Sorry I was unable to figure this out more promptly.
> > 
> > Now what can I do to verify that ecma support actually works?
> Check the Help -> About dialogue. It should list 'ECMAScript
> (SpiderMonkey)'. 

.. hmm.. rather perplexing.. I had done a:

$ elinks -version 

and that told me that ecmascript was enabled:

ELinks 0.11.1 (built on Jul  3 2006 18:51:37)

Standard, IPv6, gzip, Periodic Saving, Timer, Cascading Style Sheets,
Protocol (File, FTP, HTTP, URI rewrite, User protocols), MIME (Option
system, Mailcap, Mimetypes files), LED indicators, Bookmarks, Cookies,
ECMAScript, Form History, Global History, Scripting (ECMAScript
scripting engine), Goto URL History, Search History

.. or so I thought.

the "About" dialog, otoh, does not mention anything.

> There are some test pages under test/ecmascript in the ELinks source
> tree. Note that while the SpiderMonkey library provides a complete
> language implementation, the interface by which scripts can manipulate
> the document (DOM) is not supported by ELinks, which severely hinders
> most document scripts.
So, I tried the test pages and some actions give me a popup that says
that JavaScript is not enabled.

I loaded the same test pages in mozilla but since I don't know anything
about js I'm not sure what's supposed to happen in elinks.

Not sure what's happening. 


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