
Nobody is questioning your technical decisions here. You don't need to
justify choosing to work on 0.17 rather than fixing some lower priority

The case I was reacting to is but a mere symptom of a much larger problem.
If you simply make the case go away by just adopting Fred's code into
elm-lang repositories you wouldn't have solved the issue I'm point at. You
would have only removed one of its symptoms.

>From where I'm standing, it looks like all the contributions to elm-lang go
through you. It looks like you have made yourself the bottleneck of Elm and
this is what I think needs to change.
You've created something so wonderful that a lot of people stated using it
and now it has grown so much that it is way beyond the capabilities of one

It is scary to think what will happen if you will catch the flu or if you
fall madly in love with a gipsy and go on an offline tour of the world. :)

Now, I admit that I might be wrong. Maybe things are not how I view them.
Maybe things are way better than they were 16 months ago when you started
the original "Improving collaboration" thread.

*If an Elm beginner sees some small thing he CAN fix and wants to become a
contributor to elm-lang what would his experience be? *What would be the
story he will share?
Would he end up saying something like: "You know, I tried to contribute a
small thing once and I had to close the PR because the language changed and
my patch became invalid." ?

I would much rather he would read on elm-lang.org something equivalent to
this page: http://zeromq.org/docs:contributing and with the help of some
maintainer become a contributor to Elm.

This has been solved before. We don't need to reinvent the wheel.

Of course, first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.

I would love for other people to weight in on this, especially people who
have been on this discussion list for longer than 6 months.
If I'm wrong and I'm just wasting precious time for a lot of people here, I
would love to be told this.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 10:29 PM, Evan <eva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From http://elm-lang.org/blog/farewell-to-frp#what-is-next-
> I know some people are eager to help with creating these libraries. Please
> give me some time to develop a coherent process for making sure a desire to
> help can also translate into great results.
> The message you quote says a similar thing. Lots of things need to happen.
> It is not possible to do everything at the same time. Seven days is not a
> long time, especially when they contain a 3 day weekend. Especially when I
> have a set of goals for the next few weeks based on what *I *think are
> the most important things to get done.
> One of my short term goals is to finally get process bot
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/elm-dev/process$20bot/elm-dev/SnfGqk5XBgg/c1IpV4UvAgAJ>
> working to help with this. Literally addressing this exact issue because I
> know it's important and it can be done better. I want process bot to talk
> about expectations
> <https://github.com/process-bot/the-process/blob/master/expectations.md> in
> a way that is very relevant. I wrote that a long time ago, but instead of
> finishing the project, I worked on "the most important thing" so it is
> still not communicated clearly.
> I think this comment
> <https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-package/pull/177#issuecomment-220825568> is
> a nice illustration of this. It turns out (1) I was working on 0.17 which
> was pretty important and (2) the actual situation was more complicated than
> everyone thought. When I finally got a chance to give it my full attention,
> the outcome was pretty great! So yes, it could have been quicker, but I
> also think it's hard to retroactively disagree with my prioritization
> decisions once I was able to actually get them out the door.
> In the case you are reacting to, I am basically saying: for someone just
> trying to make something, use ports. That'll be fast and it'll work. Yes,
> there are things going on that might make it easier *later*, but they are
> not ready yet. So I read things as "I know you want to achieve X today, but
> instead of telling you how, I will tell you about something that is not
> released yet." Everything there is true, but it's not good advice for that
> person!
> On Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 8:35:24 AM UTC-7, Justin wrote:
>> +1 on everything your saying here Peter. Thanks for linking the C4 book
>> really interesting and applicable read so far.
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