> On Oct 20, 2016, at 9:12 AM, Robin Heggelund Hansen <skinney...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> In Elm 0.18, primes are being removed as valid characters in a 
> variable/function name. 

That’s unfortunate. Non-alphabetical characters can be really useful for 
signaling intent.

For example, an ending <?> can usefully be a quick signal that the function is 
a boolean predicate. That’s less useful in a statically-typed language, but 
“less useful” is not the same thing as “useless”. 

Adding a prime mark has a long, even pre-computer, history of signaling. <x’> 
quickly tells the reader that the value is intimately bound up with <x> but has 
a contextually relevant difference. To be less abstract:

When working with SVG, it’s really awkward that `Svg.Attributes.x` takes a 
String argument, given that graphics often involves working with numeric 
values. So it’s not a horrible idea for graphics code to establish a convention 
that primed names take a (consistently, thus predictably) nonstandard type. 

I confidently predict that removing primes won’t result in `xInteger` 
definitions but rather `x2` - which I’d argue is less clear than x’

I could imagine libraries that said explicitly “In this library, functions 
doing <some thing> use the <‘> suffix, but functions doing <some other thing> 
use <!>. (Neither Ruby nor Clojure are really consistent, but experienced users 
know roughly how to react to functions ending in <!>.) Community pressure could 
help with that. 

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