Visuwesh <> writes:

> BTW, we might have similar problems in Windows too.  See this thread in
> emacs-devel when yank-media was initially added:

Looking at that thread, I see

+  /* Dictionary for looking up NS types from MIME types, and vice versa.  */
+  typeLookup
+    = [NSDictionary
+           dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+             @"text/plain",        NSPasteboardTypeURL,
+#if NS_USE_NSPasteboardTypeFileURL
+             @"text/plain",        NSPasteboardTypeFileURL,
+             @"text/plain",        NSFilenamesPboardType,
+             @"text/html",         NSPasteboardTypeHTML,
+             @"text/plain",        NSPasteboardTypeMultipleTextSelection,
+             @"application/pdf",   NSPasteboardTypePDF,
+             @"image/png",         NSPasteboardTypePNG,
+             @"application/rtf",   NSPasteboardTypeRTF,
+             @"application/rtfd",  NSPasteboardTypeRTFD,
+             @"STRING",            NSPasteboardTypeString,
+             @"text/plain",        NSPasteboardTypeTabularText,
+             @"image/tiff",        NSPasteboardTypeTIFF,
+             nil];

For images, only image/png and image/tiff are listed for some reason. No
jpeg. (and no jpeg in the spec at

I suspect that image/tiff entry in the clipboard is garbled by Emacs.
We may want to report this as a bug.

We may also need to request a feature to support clipboard on MacOS
better. Using the same example image.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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