On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 9:24 PM, suvayu ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Tom Regner <t...@goochesa.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> suvayu ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> I see source blocks formated as example blocks. Is that the same as you
>>> are seeing? If so, I wouldn't call that support for source blocks. I
>>> would expect to see syntax highlighting like pure source files on
>>> GitHub.
>> org-ruby is in it's current form not capable to do that, but it's
>> currently actively developed [fn:1] (maybe not for org-mode standards :-D, 
>> the last
>> commit was 8 days ago) and there are a few items on the todo list.
>> And all shortcomings aside, an update on github/markups side would at
>> least make the usage of org-documents on github bearable.
> Sorry if my comments seemed like a complaint/gripe. When an org-mode
> user says, "feature bla" is supported they usually mean the whole
> thing, with all the bells and whistles (e.g. source block would imply
> with syntax highlighting). So I just wanted to clarify it was
> incorrect to say "source blocks are supported".

Yes, you are right.  Apologies for overlooking that.  But, this
feature shouldn't be too hard to add using albino or pygments.rb.  I
tried poking around org-ruby's code a little bit, but hit a roadblock,
which was a bit too much for my limited ruby skills.  I'll open an
issue on org-ruby and see where it goes.

>> Only sufficient demand for org-documents will foster betterment I guess.
> Yes I realise that. I have never interacted with GitHub staff for
> feature requests. Being a long time org-mode user (post-6.33, that's
> ages in org years :-p), maybe I should give that a try.

I've tweeted to them at least a couple of times (in the past few
months) regarding this, but haven't yet got any response from them.
May be someone should send an email to supp...@github.com.  I got back
replies for other things in about a week or so, on email.  In general,
GitHub staff seem like a nice bunch of people to me.


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