Waldemar Quevedo <waldemar.quev...@gmail.com> writes:

> My name is Waldemar, and I am the current maintainer of the org-ruby
> gem.
> It looks like thanks to you (and many others who reported this)
> github/markup was updated so that it uses the 0.7.0 org-ruby version
> of the gem!
> https://github.com/github/markup/commit/
> b0144938d42c4e0b0f308c4e9cb1e5a23c155c72

Wow, that's great news, thanks!

> I know that org-ruby html export implementation is far from perfect,
> but this will improve some things until a better solution that fits
> Github backed is build. For example, syntax highlighting #+begin_src
> blocks through Pygments should be available in Github with this
> release (in theory).

I tried both Elisp and C code in a #+begin_src block, but it didn't get
highlighted on github.  Not a big problem, really, but exactly the kind
of thing that will help README.org files take the world over :)

Again, great news,


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