On Mar 8 2013 12:25 PM, Michael Haberler wrote:
> Am 08.03.2013 um 19:04 schrieb Matt Shaver:
>>> in these cases I could
>>> work around the issue by convince the authors to relicense _their_
>>> package. This does not scale - it only works for rather small
>>> projects, and those are not the ones which are a huge boost in such
>>> an effort.
>>> 2) Given JMK's  expressed willingness to relicense along these 
>>> lines
>>> and fact that the list of folks who contributed to RTAPI/HAL is
>>> rather short, this seems to be the easy part.
>> That's true, but with one notable exception: Mr. Paul Corner of
>> England, wrote me in response to my earlier essay on Linuxcnc 
>> copyright
>> issues. Since he forbid me to share the content of his 
>> communications
>> with anyone, I can't quote him directly, but he made it clear that 
>> he
>> will not allow the re-licensing of any of his work. He explicitly
>> stated that he would not allow the appending of the words, "or 
>> later"
>> to the GPLv2 license declaration.
>> The ramifications of this will need further study to determine, but
>> several areas that are likely affected (if a license change is 
>> desired)
>> are libnml, the backplotter in lklinuxcnc, and RTAPI. RTAPI is the
>> major problem in my opinion.
> I had such an "exchange" as well and it was less than productive.
> That said, I did a quick git scan to gauge the problem:
> Files touched by Paul Corner in v2.5_branch:
> http://static.mah.priv.at/public/paul_corner_files_touched.txt
> 216 commits: http://static.mah.priv.at/public/paul_corner_commits.txt
> Many of those are already irrelevant.

can you put together a:


file so that we can simply get rid of his crap?  Also, from this point 
on all submissions should be bound to at least a license of choice 
(whatever it is, and GPLv2+ seems the easiest route).

> The nml stuff will become irrelevant by that very project
> same for the usr_intf in its current form
> TCL: this community better made a decision - I dont see anybody who
> can port or actually does maintain this. TCL use should be deprecated
> The hal and rtapi commits need study but I feel confident with
> de-Cornerizing those
> The task, motion and interpreter commits need to be looked at
> not a firm estimate, but a gut feeling: divy this up to 3-5 folks,
> one per directory, and we're done in a month

sweet...  I'm not sure I can break away enough time from work/life at 
the moment to help, but by all the gods of old and new, this is 

>>> Since e.g. task and
>>> motion must tie into the middleware by linking to ZeroMQ, and both
>>> are GPL2only, it is one of the hot spots. Same goes for UI 
>>> components
>>> which will need to tie in. This is a bit ironic given the fact that
>>> task hasnt changed all that much since it came out of NIST with a
>>> public domain status.

According to 0MQ's Licensing web page 
<http://www.zeromq.org/area:licensing>  it is LGPL with a link 
exception, and simply linked.  It also explicitly states that as long as 
you do not modify 0MQ, then you can use it for commercial uses, etc.  Am 
I missing something here?  What middlewhare are we talking about? NML?

>> I think it's possible that all of the work based on the NIST code is
>> _still_ in the public domain, despite the addition of license 
>> notices
>> added to the code later. I base this on three things:
>> 1. The NIST portions could be considered "Derivative Works" rather 
>> than
>> "Joint Works" due to NIST's overwhelmingly large contribution to the
>> whole. In my previous essay I argued that only a minimal 
>> contribution
>> to a work was required to become an author in a "Joint Work", but I
>> don't know where the line is actually drawn. In fact, allowing
>> contributions to a Work by US Government employees which results in 
>> a
>> "Joint Work" would vest in those US Government employees an 
>> undivided
>> copyright interest therein (absent any other agreement), giving them
>> the right to license it as "Public Domain". This is an incredibly
>> sticky issue and to avoid further damage to my previous good mood 
>> this
>> morning, I'll leave it at that...
>> 2. The original copyright notice in the code on Sourceforge (as I
>> remember) said something like, "GPLv2 and other rights". Fred 
>> Proctor
>> told me the "other rights" meant that it was in the Public Domain. I
>> need to do some research to confirm this before relying on it.
>> 3. Since changing out NML for 0MQ will likely mean large changes to 
>> the
>> NIST code anyway, we could (maybe) try to start from the last Public
>> Domain NIST code, rather than what's in git/master today since the
>> differences are, as you point out, not too large.
> 3) will mostly affect canon and task, but nothing significant of the
> the interpreter. These are very few files, and basically stubs. 
> Motion
> needs review for post-NIST work which needs to be reverted.
> I dont think throwing away years of fixes and features is a good
> starting point; I would welcome if someone would start over with a
> clean codebase, like the OpenSCAM interpreter though. Interpreters 
> are
> pluggable in principle; this feature hasnt seen much use.

but then again, starting with a decent software engineering approach 
(Agile/XP/whatever) and building a Testing Anything Complaint (TAP) 
regression testsuite (if it does not already have one already, which I 
think it might in part) will obviate a major overhaul...

> I would rather vote for backing out or rewriting nontrivial changes.
> I do assume there is a lower limit as for the level of intellectual
> contribution which constitues something relevant under the licensing
> angle. Many changes are editorial and not 'code' or original for that
> matter.

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