On Dec 27 2015 10:14 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
> On 12/27/2015 10:05 PM, EBo wrote:
>> What is the stepcount on the encoders? If they are not
>> wicked high, you might be able to replace them with one of
>> the AMT capacitive encoders (which have a programmable
>> resolution). That might get you up a bit, but the wear
>> will have to be addressed by adjusting or rebuilding most
>> likely.
> The AMT encoders are mediocre at best, they have high lag in
> the interpolation under high acceleration.
> I'm sure the encoders on this machine are fairly high
> resolution. Anyway, this is a machine that cost over $100K
> 15 years ago, it is VERY high quality.  But, the software is
> all in ROM, and there are NO documents at all on internals.
> So, changing the encoder resolution would be difficult.  Why
> do you assume low encoder resolution is the cause of
> un-repeatability?  it is almost certainly mechanical in
> nature (worn ballscrews/nuts or linear slides).  The
> programmable resolution of the machine is 0.01mm, I'm just
> guessing the encoder resolution is somewhat higher.

I was unaware that the AMT encoders had any lag problem.  I will need 
to look into that.

I also did not assume that it was an encode issue, thought if you could 
bump it up then you might be able to eek out a little more res from your 
machine.  That would likely be at the expense of speed.  I thought this 
was on a machine you had code for, but I stand corrected on that, and as 
mentioned in my comments that a rebuild was most likely needed (meaning 
ball screws, rails, etc.)

>> It would take someone who either has the will to retrofit
>> a machine for funzies, or wants to build something like
>> the BlackToe PnP machine I linked to before. I do not have
>> a need for a PnP machine at the moment. Maybe someone else
>> has one with a blown controller they do not mind having it
>> played with.
> Yes, those can be found on eBay from time to time.  but, it
> would not be a weekend project!

I take on plenty of projects that are not weekend projects, but I have 
no need for a PnP.

   EBo --

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